Email address

Our email address age estimation solution can verify your age quickly
whilst preserving your privacy. Here are some of our frequently asked
Age estimation refers to the process of determining an individual’s inferred age using physical features or behaviours.
While age estimation accurately determines an inferred age based on physical features or behavioural characteristics, age verification determines an individual's actual age. This is often through providing official documents (e.g. a passport or ID) to confirm exactly how old someone is by comparing their birthdate on the document to the current date.
Your email address will be used to estimate your age and determine whether you’re 18+. This is done by reviewing sites and apps where you’ve previously used this email address, such as a financial institution, mortgage lender or utility provider.
This method is the quickest and easiest way to verify your age online. It protects your privacy and does not discriminate by sex, skin tone, disability, or any other characteristic.
Your data will be deleted as soon as the age check is complete and if successful, you can continue your journey.
If we are unable to estimate your age using your email address, you may be able to use alternative available methods such as ID scan or facial age estimation.
  • The solution is compliant with all data privacy regulatory requirements and your email address will be deleted as soon as the age check is complete.
  • Your email address will not be used for any other purpose except to estimate your age and you will not receive any marketing communications.
  • We operate with a principle of data minimisation, meaning we only collect the minimum data needed to complete an age check.
No, absolutely not. VerifyMy or the business we are completing an age estimation check for have absolutely no access to your email account or the emails within it. We simply run analysis on your email itself.
If not previously authenticated, we will send an OTP (one-time passcode) via an email to the provided email address. This must be opened and clicked for the check to be complete.
Yes, it has been certified by the Age Check Certification Scheme (ACCS) to EAL level 3, the highest possible level for age estimation.
Yes, independent testing has shown that the email address age estimation checks are extremely accurate.

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We’re always on-hand to discuss age verification.